Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Act II Scene II - Ross Interview Invite !!

Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

Yes, tell us how you are feeling after waiting for it for so long!

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats on the invite!
Best of luck with all!


Linda Abraham said...

Congratulations! You might want to check out the MBA Interview Feedback Database at http://www.accepted.com/mba/InterviewFeedback.aspx to find out what has been asked at earlier Ross interviews. You can check it out for Cornell Johnson too. Please share your interview experience afterwards.

Linda Abraham

mba musings said...

@tryst - yes there is a post in the making.. hopefully sooner than never.

@matt - thanks for stopping by and for the wishes!

@linda - my cornell interview debrief coming up asap! and the fedback database really does help! Thank You.